About Us

Furballs & Fronds and Our Process

The designs available on Furballs and Fronds are made by our design team (more about us below!).   Products are made especially for you as soon as you place an order.   Orders are printed, shipped, and fulfilled by one of our print-on-demand partners.  Though the orders may take a bit longer to fulfill, we utilize this partnership to reduce the need for physical inventory and the overhead costs associated with it.  This also has the added benefit of only producing items that you actually want,  eliminating excess product, waste, and overproduction.  We prefer this methodology as a more sustainable means of production, rather than the normal supply chain.  

You have a choice in the things you purchase and the businesses you support, so thank you for making thoughtful purchasing decisions!


About the Creators

We are dog and plant parents who love slow coffee mornings and reading books together (yes, we read to our dogs and chat with our plants!).  During many of these coffee mornings, we would often think of funny (at least to us anyway...) sayings, poking fun of our love for our plants and pets, and would say to ourselves "ha, that would be great on a t-shirt!"  After many years of joking about it, we decided to make our musings a reality.  Thus, Furballs and Fronds was born! 

In our other lives we live as creatives who love rock climbing and adventuring with our pups in our van-build out (of course we take some plants with us...). 

We hope that the joy and endless laughter we have had in creating these designs comes through each product and brings you joy too!